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Trance Workshops 

Trance Weekend. 

Sat-Sun 22nd/23rd February 25

Altered States, Trance, & Cabinet Work


Saturday Sitting in the power. Only £130 


Passionate about Trance, then this is for you.

Spirit wish to communicate with us and that may be via a philosophy, personal guidance, messages from loved ones or profound inspiration, the possibilities are endless. It is only ourselves that restrict their influence. This workshop will help you to trust in not only yourself but the communicators that work with you.


Sunday. Cabinet work


We will be sitting in séance conditions for most of the day.

You will experience working within the cabinet during this workshop, working in red light and candlelight.


It will be a day of enlightenment and will encourage you to use the techniques in all areas of your spiritual pathway..


The merging of two worlds and the levels of Knowing


Trance states enhance the development of mental mediumship.

Enabling you to become a better instrument for spirit


Limited to 12 people only,

This will give you more time to work with your spiritual communicators.


Advance booking recommended




Trance states can enhance the development of mental mediumship.

Enabling you to become a better instrument for spirit


Refreshments provided - Please bring packed lunch


All enquiries please email Bernie below


​​​Held at​

Heaven Sent Spiritual Centre

Wapley Stables

Wapley Hill Westerleigh

Bristol.  BS37 8RJ

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Trance - Sitting In The Power

Sat 12th April 

10am-4pm £60

Join me for an empowering one-day trance workshop that aims to unlock your full potential and facilitate your spiritual development and growth.


Whether you're a curious beginner or already on a spiritual pathway seeking further development, this workshop is for you. It offers the opportunity to establish a stronger, deeper connection with your spirit communicators.​


Ever wondered what it feels like to experience trance firsthand? This workshop will provide you with that enriching experience, leaving you with a loving desire for more.


Throughout this transformative day, you will be guided and supported as you navigate through various stages of the trance energy. We will engage in experiments and power sits, allowing you to delve into deeper levels of meditation where fears and inhibitions can be released, enabling you to find inner serenity and bask in the love of spirit.


Participants will also explore inspirational speaking in an altered state, gradually establishing a deeper connection.


Prepare to be enlightened and draw closer to your spirit friends as this workshop enhances your ability to become an instrument for spirit communication.

​Limited places available. I'm keeping the group small for a more intimate workshop.


Refreshments provided - Please bring packed lunch​


Heaven Sent Spiritual Centre

Wapley Stables

Wapley Hill Westerleigh

Bristol.  BS37 8RJ

The most powerful force in the universe

Copyright Bernie Scott Medium ©2008 | Bernie Scott Psychic Medium Based Bristol UK - Please note that all courses, demonstrations, workshops and Readings are for educational, experimental and entertainment purposes only.

 Privacy Policy  and  Refund and Cancellation

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